/ demos: page 1 of 18

all aboard the impure train!

demos :: the widest ascii/ansi colly

the newest impure artpack #67 has the incarnation of a conversion we had on irc. historically amiga collys are all vertical and lack color. since impure is already viewed as a "modern" crew for releasing in color and files wider than 80 columns... we decided why not make a modern colly?! and what's the perfect subject for a really really wide ansi? a train covered in graffiti of course!

x0 - impure train preview

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demosplash 2016

life :: pittsburgh's demoscene event

x0 - demosplash

since joining the textmode art scene, i've made lots of new friends. blocktronics and impure have both been more art collectives than a release groups. seeing the art other members are working on is very inspiring and, for the most part, the criticism is constructive. over time i've become friends with misfit and filth, all members of blocktronics who live in pretty close proximity to each other. this year we decided to meet up at pittsburgh's local demoscene event demosplash, and had a blast!

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bbs scene

ascii :: the roots of ansi/ascii art

acid underword bbs circa 2018

i've been a long time fan of text mode art. i got my first glimpse into that world back in the nineteen hundred and nineties, with groups like ACiD and remorse. back in pre-modern internet days we had to dial up a BBS (bulletin board system) to chat or download files. over time, these systems became either mail/chat hubs or w4r3z distros. because of the questionable legality of some of these releases a login system was added to all BBS' (though many supported a "guest" login"). some had open registration while others were invite only.

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PQ torus knot

demos :: papervision3D math art

papervision3D PQ torus knot

here we go again, another papervision3D demo featuring math permeated lines. this time im working with a classic piece of code known as the PQ torus. the vague idea is that you have 2 numbers (P + Q) that are used in the algorithm to define the knot. in general, given P + Q mutually prime, the line wraps meridionally around the torus P times and wraps the longitudinally around it Q times. i was having some trouble grasping exactly how this was going to be achieved, until i read this article on blackpawn’s website. he really breaks down the algo to a very simplistic level...

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tracing 3D objects with papervision3D

demos :: drawing the logo

draw logo

a question popped up on the papervision3D mailing list the other day about using the lines3D class to trace a 3D object. i found the idea fascinating, so i whipped up this little demo to demonstrate how simple it actually was. i started out by creating a simple cylinder with a wide base and small top, and setting its visibility to false. then creating my lines3D object. finally in the render loop i create a new line3D that connects each vertice. by checking to see in a counter variable is less than the total object vertice count ((box.geometry.vertices.length)), and adding a new line3D if the counter is less than that, or deleting all the lines and starting over...

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