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pouch bomb patches

graffiti :: ranger / vandal eyes

graffiti patches when my son was born, i promised nina i'd quit doing graff in the streets. since then, i've been doing lots of blackbook and ipad art to placate my desires to write.

since i got into metal and punk as a kid i've been collecting and wearing patches. mostly bands, but eventually morale patches. recently ranger eyes (smaller approximately 1x1 inch velcro backed pvc patches) have taken the EDC world by storm. i'd seen a few other graff style patches, and jon from inkpot artworks coined the term "vandaleyes" as a play on "vandalize" and "ranger eyes". so i decided to get involved.

i came up with a sick "xero" bomb or throwie. and worked with dave @ on the DL brand, who suggested glow in the dark! to make them a reality.

get em at:

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switching to linux

linux :: distrohoppers anonymous

linux screen shot

switching to from windows to linux is one of the best choices i have made in years. the freedom it provides is unparalleled. the fact that it's 100% free, the open nature of it's development, the community focus, and the abundance of free software was enough to convince me to give it a try.

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BLiSS Sim for ipad

mobile :: my first itunes release


the Bioregenerative Life Support System Simulator, BLiSS Sim, is an ipad app, built with titanium studio, based on investigations conducted by NASA scientists and engineers to explore how plants can be grown to provide air, water, and food for astronauts at a lunar base.

BLiSS uses a game format to engage youth and adults in the challenges of supporting humans in space or extreme environments on earth.

The app is free and available for download from the iTunes Store.
Visit the promotional website at:

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games :: the nintendo DS homebrew revolution

R4-DS the homebrew revolution

the nintendo ds is an awesome portable gaming system. i have the ds lite, its thin, weights under a pound, has two super bright backlit screens, pretty sweet integrated speakers, the classic nintendo plus d-pad, four front buttons, and two shoulder buttons. the bottom screen is touch sensitive, which makes for some awesome gameplay. the touch screen is sick, but a lot of people can be put off by it. so tons of games let your switch between the touch motion and d-pad motion.

the nintendo DS

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h4x :: DIY portable RF jammer

NYC cityscape

i just got clued in on a new project from one of the members of the cDc (cult of the dead cow), a notorious hacker group from way back in the l0pht days. the wave bubble is a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable RF jammer. an internal lithium-ion battery provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). the battery is rechargeable via a mini-USB connector or 4mm DC jack (a common size). alternately, 3 AAA batteries may also be used. self-tuning is provided via dual PLL, therefore, no spectrum analyzer is necessary to build this jammer and a single wave bubble can jam many different frequency bands...

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nonfinite - northbridge

audio :: free new chiptune album!

nonfinie's southbridge

my pal nonfinite has finally released his long-awaited album entitled northbridge. listening brings you right back to your childhood (or your whole life in my case :P) sitting in front of the tv wasting the hours away playing video games an enjoying their repetitious bleep-bloop style beats. and nonfinite has his sounds on point! by using a homebrew gameboy cart called LSDJ he produces his new music on old hardware, giving him that pure old skool "chip tune" sound. grab your copy of the album here, FREE! nonfinite also does custom gameboy mods, check out his store 

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interactive :: papervision3D webcam experiment


check out this new ad campaign for sony walkman in japan created by keita, and called RECYOU. this crazy web-promotion site combines flash interactivity with sound and motion visuals created with papervision3D

clicking "S" allows you to upload a photo, from witch they use facial recognition software to define the key areas of your face. then they crop in a new sony walkman and make you sing.

they also send you a copy of the video they create of you in mp4 format, along with a release form that says you may appear on japanese tv. 

i took about a day until i found myself on the site, im in the photo above...

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